List of Range Items
Eye Protection Ear Protection
Mini Cleaning Kit/Solvents Firearms
Bottled Water Eye Glass/Optics Cleaner Solution and Cloth
Shop towel/Old T-Shirts Staple Gun/Staples (Attach Targets)
Specialized Sight Adjustment Tools Spray Paint (For Repainting Steel Targets)
Data Book/Notepad Trash Bag (In case the Range doesn’t have one)
Ammo Baseball Cap/Hat
Targets Magazines / Clips /Moon Clips
Range Bag Flashlight
Gun Oil (For when your Firearm is dry) Pen/Marker/Pencil (For Data Book/Notepad)
- Spare Batteries for ALL Optics/Lights/Equipment
- Clay Targets/Thrower (If doing this type of Shooting)
- Magazine Loaders/Speed Loaders/LULA Loaders (Saves busted Thumbs)
- Bag for Brass (For Spent Brass if you are a reloader)-Rubberized Tablecloth (In case you don’t want to lay your guns down on a Concrete Bench.
- Can also be used as a Mat, if Shooting Prone)
- Lead Wipes or Baby Wipes (For Cleaning the Lead Residue off before Eating or Drinking; also
- can be used if the Restroom Facilities don’t have Toilet Paper)
- Hand Sanitizer
Side Note
If you are taking multiple firearms, remember to take the items from the list for each Firearm.
Masking Tape (Repair Targets/Cover up holes on used Targets)
Clay Targets/Thrower (If doing this type of Shooting)
Magazine Loaders/Speed Loaders/LULA Loaders (Saves busted Thumbs)
Bag for Brass (For Spent Brass if you are a reloader)
KEYS for any case or firearms locks.
Broken Shell Extractor Choke Tube Wrench/Spare Chokes
Chamber Flags Small Screwdriver/Socket Kit/Allen Wrenches
Punches Small Hammer
Multitool Duct Tape (It’s good for EVERYTHING)
Twine (For Targets/Repairs) Clothes Pins (For Targets/Repairs)
Small Tube of Blue Loctite Screws for repairs of target holders, etc.
- Shooting Gloves (Can protect your hands from Cuts and from Kabooms)
- Magnifying glass – For those of us who need help seeing little things can see graduations on sights
- Rubber Mallet (Unjamming/Clearing Seized Bolts/Actions)
- Sectioned Cleaning Rod (Clearing Suck Casings)
Medic Style/Molle Pouch Quick clot (Gauze Form)
Chest Seal CPR Shield
2″ Roll Gauze Roll Cloth Tape
2″x5″ Flexible Bandage Combine ABD Pad, 5″x9″
Gauze 4″x4″ Gauze 3”x9”
Eye Wash EMT shears
Antiseptic Towelettes Rubber Tourniquet
Nitrile gloves Band-Aids
Saline Israeli Bandage
Tampons (WITHOUT Applicator) Headlamp
Foil Blanket Mini Surgical Kit
Headache Meds Antacids
Benadryl Bugspray
Side Note
Most outdoor ranges don’t have Trauma or First Aid kits close by. Having your own could save your life or someone else’s.
Optional (If needed for your Situation)
Range Membership Badge/Card Driver’s License/Wallet/Purse
NFA Paperwork Shot Timer
Range Finder Sandbags/Tripod/Bipods/Shooting Rest
Poncho Spotting Scope/Binoculars
Permanent marker
- BRIGHT Safety Vest (Wear when going Downrange)
- Range WRITTEN Permission Slip (If on Private Property)
- Fire Extinguisher (Tracers and Muzzle Blasts can cause Fires)
- Folding Chair (Most Ranges don’t have Seating)
- Corrective Lenses/Contacts (Know your Target and what beyond)
- Foam Earplugs (In case your Ear pro breaks or have on hand as giveaways. Often at Public Ranges there are people with NO hearing protection, most of the time it is Children, Wives or Girlfriends)
- Small Cooler (Sandwiches/Additional Hydration for LONG Days at the Range)
- Scarf (For the Ladies specifically, it keeps Spent Brass from going down their shirt and burning them.)
- Spare staples – check before you head down range to put up new targets, there’s nothing like being hundreds of yards down range with an empty staple gun.
- Carry ammo for the trip home/Home Defense